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Yoga in the Studio – Tips & Guidelines to a Mindful Yoga Practice

Amandari Yoga Shala is an Integral Yoga Studio, offering a warm and intentional space for holistic yoga practice.  Integral holistic Yoga practice means people are there for reasons other than simply exercise or stretching. Since our studio space is cosy, we appreciate your generous understanding of our friendly guidelines to help maintain a calm and positive atmosphere in our shared space - it enhances our collective experience as well as your own.

Understanding the Depth of Yoga - Integral Yoga is a journey of self-discovery. Our Yoga practice is rooted in the ancient teachings of Hatha and includes asana (physical postures) to build strength & flexibility, pranayama (breath control) to enhance our vitality, focus and balance our energy. Meditation cultivates mindfulness & inner peace, while exploring Yoga’s philosophy deepens our understanding – of ourselves and others, and offers ethical guidelines to living mindfully.

Most importantly, our sense of community, or Sangha, connects us with others on this shared journey, creating a warm and supportive atmosphere.

To maintain this supportive environment, we ask kindly that you are mindful of the following:

Generosity of Spirit - Embrace Our Cozy Space - In our intimate studio it can sometimes feel busy. Or a class might fill up quickly and there may not be space for some people to join. Flexibility of mind is just as important as flexibility of body. Please share your space with patience, generosity and an open heart.  

Honour Time - As a sign of respect, please arrive on time.  It's considered good yoga practice to arrive 10 minutes before the start of a class. It allows you to settle in and prepare mentally for practice. Late arrivals are disturbing and distracting for you, your fellow yogis, as well as the teacher.

Keeping it Clean - Please always remove your shoes before entering a practice space and practice with clean hands & feet.  This honours the integrity of our space and keeps it clean and inviting for everyone, especially when using shared props.

Cultivate Awareness of your Space – Please be mindful of your surroundings, respect everyone’s personal space and position your mat so those behind you can see the teacher. Please don’t step on other people’s mats when moving around the studio.

Ahimsa - Embrace Kindness - often translated as "non-violence," Ahimsa goes beyond that to include compassion and kindness towards all beings. Ultimately, it nurtures love, compassion and respect in every aspect of life. In yoga asana practice, it promotes self-care and respect, meaning your practice should be safe. 

The original yoga teachings of Patanjali (Yoga Sutras) emphasize only ONE key principle for asana (posture) practice: "Sthira Sukham Asanam," which translates to "The posture should be steady (sthira) and comfortable (sukha)"

 Respect your body’s limits and if it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it!

Create Stillness - Thank you for respecting the silence inside – the power of silence during practice allows for deep inner reflection, enhancing your connection with your practice and the collective energy in the room. (We love to connect, but after class)

Silence devices -  please silence your devices (not on vibrate) – phones, smart watches, etc. - to maintain the tranquil atmosphere, allowing everyone to focus inward.

Background and health - it is customary for a yoga teacher to check with every individual who enters the studio whether he or she has injuries (current or past), movement limitations or conditions such as pregnancy, diabetes, scoliosis, high or low blood pressure, has experienced recent surgery, trauma or is under medical supervision, etc. This helps to craft a class that is safe and comfortable for everyone. It's not mandatory to provide this information, but for your safety, it is recommended. Whilst yoga may be practiced safely by most people, there are certain conditions which may require special attention and / or modifications during a yoga class.

Information received is used to plan yoga classes more effectively, to suit your needs and interests, to teach a safe class & provide you with the best & safest yoga experience possible. Any information you send is treated as strictly confidential, and will be not be disclosed or shared with any individual or organisation.

A form can be found here

We are happy to have you with us. Enjoy your practice.



Yoga Class


We’re happy to share our yoga journey with you. If you'd like to be one of the first to hear about upcoming events, retreats, or special classes, please request an invite to our (quiet) WhatsApp group for occasional and exclusive updates.




To find out more about us, please get in touch - we’d love to hear from you!


Maja - 0798921753



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